Photo of Robert

Robert Lisaru

Cell: +40 761 004 865
Github: robertlisaru

Hi, I'm Robert. I was born in '96 and my passion for computers started early, in the CD/DVD era, when I was 12 years old. I knew how to fix computers, and was constantly finding new ways to break them. Later, I followed computer science education and started working as a software engineer. My main principle when working is keeping things simple and maintainable.


Agile Freaks, Sibiu Front end dev for 1 year 5 months, started 2021

  • Main responsibilities: front end development, code reviews, bug fixing, writing concise PR descriptions and clear test steps for QA team, ticket complexity estimation, code quality improvement, app demo for clients, status updates to clients, continuous research on libraries and tools, brainstorming app architecture
  • Occasional responsibilities: attending tech presentations, testing, bug reporting, helping QA with their local setup, Docker configuration, ticket creation, ticket updating and maintenance, facilitating meetings with clients
  • Projects:
    • Web questionnaire with complex, interdependent questions, and custom logic
      built using Elm, js, css, html, Node.js, Docker, microservices
    • Movie streaming app for Chromecast
      built with Javascript, css, html, Google Cast SDK, Node.js, Webpack, Docker
  • Test projects implemented as part of my recruitment process:
    • App for managing a list of to do items
      using React, js, css, html, json-api
    • Displaying a list of coffee shop locations on the map, and distance to user
      using React, js, css, html, json-api

Other projects personal/volunteered

  • 2024 - I volunteered to build the website for a local sunflower oil business in Sibiu
    layout design, wording, implementation, testing, maintenance, using WordPress
  • multimedia-html-cast 2023 - personal app for casting movies from PC to Smart TV in LAN
    using React, Node.js, CSS
  • ninety-nine-elm-problems 2023 - educational/personal website for showcasing the functional programming style and Elm language
    interactive solutions, using Elm, to the 99 fundamental problems proposed by Werner Hett

Fundamental skills

  • Good base of computer science knowledge
    Eight years of formal education in computer science.
  • Common sense and reasoning
    Understanding trade-offs between clean code, maintaiable code, deadlines & delivery, tech debt, app performance, and team harmony.
  • Communication and teamwork
    Keeping my team and clients up to date, resolving blockers, facilitating meetings, writing concise documentations, demos, and presentations.
  • Information synthesis and self-learning
    Searching the information I need, filtering out what's irrelevant, keeping what's useful. For me, working and learning are intertwined activities.
  • Passion and enthusiasm
    Keeping interactions enjoyable for people around me. Enthusiasm is contagious, and I like spreading good vibes.
  • Technical flexibility and adaptability
    Ready to change and adapt. Focusing on common key-concepts and patterns, so when things change I know what to look for and compare.

Languages, frameworks and tools

Elm, React, HTML, CSS, Javascript, MySQL, Java, C/C++, Node.js, Webpack, Docker, Git, (see more on my Github profile)


Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Computer Science, started 2015

Faculty of Engineering

Highschool Mathematics and Computer Programming, started 2011

Gib Mihăescu National College of Drăgășani

  • Bac scores: Mathematics: 10.00(max score), Computer Programming: 9.00, Romanian Language and Literature: 9.20

Outdoor activities, DIY crafts and repairs